Alexandre Sorriso LER MAIS

Alexandre Sorriso holds a bachelor’s degree in advertising and is a specialist in storytelling due to his strong affinity for it.

He works incredibly well with small teams, has a great capacity for story adaptation, and delivers the highest level of aesthetics and sensitivity in his works.

With 30 years of national and international experience, Alexandre has produced and directed advertising campaigns, institutional films, and TV and online content. His work was awarded and nominated in prestigious festivals in Brazil and around the globe, including the Epica Awards, Cresta Awards, Sabre Awards, PR Week Global Awards, “Colunistas” and “Clube de Criação”.

In his resumé there’s also the feature-length documentary “Premê – Quase Lindo” (2015), which features the iconic musical group of the Vanguarda movement, “Paulista Premeditando o Breque” and 2 seasons of the cooking show “Diário do Olivier” (“Serras Brasileiras” and “Summer in Andalusia”) for the Brazilian channel GNT.

Alexandre Sorriso

Alexandre Sorriso holds a bachelor’s degree in advertising and is a specialist in storytelling due to his strong affinity for it.

He works incredibly well with small teams, has a great capacity for story adaptation, and delivers the highest level of aesthetics and sensitivity in his works.

With 30 years of national and international experience, Alexandre has produced and directed advertising campaigns, institutional films, and TV and online content. His work was awarded and nominated in prestigious festivals in Brazil and around the globe, including the Epica Awards, Cresta Awards, Sabre Awards, PR Week Global Awards, “Colunistas” and “Clube de Criação”.

In his resumé there’s also the feature-length documentary “Premê – Quase Lindo” (2015), which features the iconic musical group of the Vanguarda movement, “Paulista Premeditando o Breque” and 2 seasons of the cooking show “Diário do Olivier” (“Serras Brasileiras” and “Summer in Andalusia”) for the Brazilian channel GNT.
